Thursday, July 29, 2010

Diagnosis: Product protectionism

Diagnosis: Product protectionism

If a state tries to keep with restrictions to foreign competition by the domestic market lenovo x300 battery, it's called protectionism. And nothing else to do with the electronics company of the competition - this is shortsighted.

The castration of products is a double-edged sword. For of course one can understand that no manufacturer wants to stand idly by when cheap or even illegally copied parts jeopardize the reputation of the product, company, or even the safety of customers. One can also understand that it does not like companies when pirates, the marketing of their own and threaten to partner licensed games.

But the arguments convinced the producers to their built-in blocks rather rare. lenovo x301 battery Too much on the electronics industry for years dangled their customers with such limitations all too often only one purpose: to leave no market share to the accessories industry.

Too big for example, the price differences between the original manufacturer of batteries and alternative providers. Since it is critical minds just hard to listen to the reasons given for the technical restrictions and without further belief. The fact that the iPod does have fairly limited success, one can easily be booked against cult product - Apple's model of success.

The fact remains: many companies seem to fear a certain openness to the competition brought many a success. The best example is one of the lessons that the music industry has learned painfully music with copy protection (DRM), which can only be played on a computer or CDs with DRM, do not run on the car radio - so you lose customers, rather than win it. By offering DRM-free music sales to justify increased. Apple and Amazon tore before, only then dared the other slowly.

Generally shows that the more open a particular device or software is constructed, the less equipment lenovo thinkpad x61 tablet battery the manufacturer may sell you. But as flexible and open devices are attractive sales, which often increases even more. A whole industry lives on that concept eventually - by developing its services and products based on free and free open-source software.